Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Eigth Post of Christmas: Funny Pictures (that's all I've got!)

The alternate title for this post could be "Guess who might be running out of ideas?" Well, not me! That's who!!

However, I decided to take things a little easier on myself today and have spent a total of . . . (35 minutes at post time) writing this. This is partially due to the final exams that are happening this week. So far I've taken my finals in Remedial Juggling- Two Balls or Just One Club

and English 89-the Works of Richard Scarry.

I just have two to go: Philosophy 112- Deciphering Fortune Cookies and Physics 25- Watching Balloons Stick to Our Hair.

But if I'm being honest with myself (which I hardly ever am) today's laziness also because of this comment which I received from someone I didn't think would even read these.

She jokingly (I hope!) took exception to my good-natured-teasing/full-out-mocking of the song "Christmas Shoes" in yesterday's post.

She writes: "So I just heard "Christmas Shoes" on the radio :)You are one heartless person!! Every girl loves that song!!! No wonder you're still single... " Ouch!!!

To be fair, she went on to say that no, she was in fact kidding. And then, after an appropriate pause, indicated with the '. . . .' she tells me that I do, in fact, have some qualities, which she went on to list in full (all three of them). But, Ouch! A thousand times, ouch!!!

And so today I take things easy, and pretend that I take offense at this person's comments. And so, perhaps you can leave the buzzing, unhealthy glow of the computer and do something that can truly bring the Christmas spirit. Or perhaps you can let me know what Christmas songs you dislike (or like if the case may be). Be definitely before that, you can scroll down and check out this funny comic that I made, all by myself! It's a Christmas miracle!

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