Friday, August 31, 2007

Fortune Cookies

Why is it that fortune cookies no longer have fortunes in them? Fortunes used to be "someone is interested in you, keep your eyes open" or "luck is around the corner and happiness is down the street" or in the least a statement that gets you thinking in suspense of your day ahead. Now, the strips of paper have been stripped down to morals or statements. These are sometimes unpleasant to open because they either have no point, or are too thought provoking for no reason: "To live in fear of losing, is to not live life." Who cares? Thoughts like this are bound to add an element of indigestion to your Asian cuisine.

My most recent fortune has been "There is no such thing as an ordinary cat." Thank you. I'm just not sure how to take that, or what to really think about it. Unless I was born in the year of the cat, it has no relevant meaning to my life. If I was born in the year of the cat, now I know that I am not ordinary. If I am called a cat in the future, I know I am not ordinary. Or if I am ordinary, at least I know I am not a cat. This is not a fortune, or a moral. What have fortune cookies come to? Please let me know where the fortunes have gone, and somebody please return them to their cookies.

Their readers are missing them.

1 comment:

meg said...

It does seem like a minor tragedy that fortune cookies have lost their oomph. Was it just politically incorrect for some reason? were we expecting too much of the chinese. i don't know, but if your cat fortune is authentic, it's the best i've ever heard. who knew they started writing fortunes for animals too?