Wednesday, September 5, 2007

All Warm and Buble Inside

A month and a half ago, Michael Buble performed a show in Salt Lake. I didn't attend the show (not being a female, nor fiscally wealthy enough to entice a female to come with me to the show . . . .). I did however read in the paper the next morning a review of the show, which apparently turned out great.

Near the end of the show, Michael, in deference to all of the men in the audience who had been dragged to the show by wives and girlfriends told them that he would do a song just for them. And true to his word, and to make sure that no one's masculinity felt threatened, went ahead and sang a song just for the boys:

Y. M. C. A.

Follow-up question: Was he being ironic?
Extra follow-up question: Did you know that he was from Australia? I didn't.


Brad said...

wow, I'm sorry I missed that! I'm just as perplexed as you are about the song choice.

faith said...

whether he meant it or not, i think that's hilarious!

meg said...

I don't know what you guys are talking about. The Village People pretty much epitomize all that is masculine, at least in my eyes. Just look at this picture:

Rich said...

Nice photo, Meg. I always thought that there were only five members of the band though . . . And that all other "boy bands" (N'Sync, Backstreet, etc.) imitated the same format. With fewer cowboys and indians . . .