Sunday, October 21, 2007

Back from Arizona

I just got back this morning from a 10 day trip to Arizona. Since I'll be busy trying desperately to catch up with school work for the next while, I thought I would take time right now to update the weekly photo and add a few more photos I took while I was away.

The snowflake Arizona temple.

Jamie, a friend in the reflecting fountain in front of the Snowflake temple.

Two Shetland ponies at a host family's home in Snowflake. Ironically, Snowflake would have been a perfect name for either of them.

A sunset in Arizona

Mesa, AZ temple.

Anyway, Arizona is great and at a balmy 80 degrees average temperature, a might nicer than the currently snowy Provo, UT. Where there are plenty of snowflakes that are neither ponies, nor towns.


faith said...

welcome back, rich. hope you had a great time. and nice pictures.

David Stoker said...

My parents came to the show in mesa and brought some friends who really enjoyed it. Yeah for Arizona.