Party the First: I got out of class early, exactly an hour and half before the party started and I callled a buddy of mine, Eddie. He had originally wanted to go as the Three Amigos, an ambitious idea that I didn't think was going to work. I called to ask him if that idea was still on. He told me that he and two other friends, Kurt and Nikki, had been at the store (and D.I.) a few hours before and had decided to go as the Mario brother, Mario and Luigi and Princess Peach (overalls, shirts and hats from D.I. and Nikki's Princess costume, a small $10 dress meant for 8 year olds). He mentioned that he still had the sombreros that we were going to use as the amigos. In a flash of absolute inspiration, I decided that I could complete the Mario Brother's group by going as Toad. I figured I could use the sombrero to make Toad's toadstool hat, and had everything I thought I would need, except for a white sheet that I could use to cover the sombrero.
Counting on the benevolence of my roommate, Russ, I borrowed the white sheet from his bed. The resulting costumes are pictured below. Also of note, we won the group costume contest and became instantly popular and wealthy, except for the wealthy part.
The (award winning) Mario Brothers costume (the white bed sheet is on my head)
Party the Second: This party, two days later, also required a costume. I'd had to give the Toad sombrero back (and had put my roommate's sheet back). Also, I was going with just one person to this party, not three other people with pre-made Nintendo-oriented costumes. The girl I was going with already had a "dark angel" costume going on: black wings, black halo, black boots, leather jacket etc. Unsure about what to do, and having a can of spray-on silver hair coloring, I decided to go as a "real angel." Once again, this involved using my roommate's bed sheet.
Party II went over really well. And even though part of the second party involved a hay-ride and dinner of soup, punch, and other things capable of staining or sticking to a borrowed bed sheet, that bed sheet came home as spotless as it left (perhaps evidence of my apparent angelic attributes? You be the judge).
Fallen-angel vs. real angel: The white bed sheet is helping me to look pious (and more like Moroni and less like a biker chick)
The moral of the story: There are more things you can do with a white bed sheet than with almost any other color.
Moral two: Be sure you have really generous roommates.
i love it! both costumes look great! I love the "toad" the best. super ingenious!
i have to vote for the toad too. the whole group looks great and that picture is hilarious. pretty good angel though, too...
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